741 research outputs found

    Phase Transition of 4D Simplicial Quantum Gravity with U(1) Gauge Field

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    The phase transition of 4D simplicial quantum gravity coupled to U(1) gauge fields is studied using Monte-Carlo simulations. The phase transition of the dynamical triangulation model with vector field (NV=1N_{V}=1) is smooth as compared with the pure gravity(NV=0N_{V}=0). The node susceptibility (χ\chi) is studied in the finite size scaling method. At the critical point, the node distribution has a sharp peak in contrast to the double peak in the pure gravity. From the numerical results, we expect that 4D simplicial quantum gravity with U(1) vector fields has higher order phase transition than 1st order, which means the possibility to take the continuum limit at the critical point.Comment: 3 pages, latex, 3 eps figures, uses espcrc2.sty. Talk presented at LATTICE99(gravity

    Simple parameterization of nuclear attenuation data

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    Based on the nuclear attenuation data obtained by the HERMES experiment on nitrogen and krypton nuclei, it is shown that the nuclear attenuation RMhR_M^{h} can be parametrised in a form of a linear polynomial P1=a11P_1=a_{11} + τa12\tau a_{12}, where τ\tau is the formation time, which depends on the energy of the virtual photon ν\nu and fraction of that energy zz carried by the final hadron. Three widely known parameterizations for τ\tau were used for the performed fit. The fit parameters a11a_{11} and a12a_{12} do not depend on ν\nu and zz

    Unifying approach to hard diffraction

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    We find a consistency between two different approaches of hard diffraction, namely the QCD dipole model and the Soft Colour Interaction approach. A theoretical interpretation in terms of S-Matrix and perturbative QCD properties in the small xBjx_{Bj} regime is proposed.Comment: 4pages, 1 figure, letter submitted for publicatio

    Towards an unified description of total and diffractive structure functions at HERA in the QCD dipole picture

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    It is argued that the QCD dipole picture allows to build an unified theoretical description -based on BFKL dynamics- of the total and diffractive nucleon structure functions. This description is in qualitative agreement with the present collection of data obtained by the H1 collaboration. More precise theoretical estimates, in particular the determination of the normalizations and proton transverse momentum behaviour of the diffractive components, are shown to be required in order to reach definite conclusions.Comment: latex file with 5 encapsulated figures, 19 page

    Intermittency and Exotic Channels

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    It is pointed out that accurate measurements of short-range two-particle correlations in like-charge Kπ K\pi and in π0π0 \pi^ 0\pi^ 0 channels should be very helpful in determining the origin of the \lq\lq intermittency\rq\rq\ phenomenon observed recently for the like-charge pion pairs.Comment: 5 p., plain tex, preprint T94/078(Saclay), LPTHE 94/58(Orsay

    Correlator Analysis of Multiparticle Events

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    A procedure for the evaluation of correlators of any order in a reasonable computer time is presented. Connection between correlators and fluctuations of the event mean values of observables is discussed. Extension of the procedure to event-by-event approach is suggested. The usefulness of the method is demonstrated using the events simulated within various models of multipaticle production.Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages including 4 table

    Criticality, Fractality and Intermittency in Strong Interactions

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    Assuming a second-order phase transition for the hadronization process, we attempt to associate intermittency patterns in high-energy hadronic collisions to fractal structures in configuration space and corresponding intermittency indices to the isothermal critical exponent at the transition temperature. In this approach, the most general multidimensional intermittency pattern, associated to a second-order phase transition of the strongly interacting system, is determined, and its relevance to present and future experiments is discussed.Comment: 15 pages + 2 figures (available on request), CERN-TH.6990/93, UA/NPPS-5-9

    Exotic trees

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    We discuss the scaling properties of free branched polymers. The scaling behaviour of the model is classified by the Hausdorff dimensions for the internal geometry: d_L and d_H, and for the external one: D_L and D_H. The dimensions d_H and D_H characterize the behaviour for long distances while d_L and D_L for short distances. We show that the internal Hausdorff dimension is d_L=2 for generic and scale-free trees, contrary to d_H which is known be equal two for generic trees and to vary between two and infinity for scale-free trees. We show that the external Hausdorff dimension D_H is directly related to the internal one as D_H = \alpha d_H, where \alpha is the stability index of the embedding weights for the nearest-vertex interactions. The index is \alpha=2 for weights from the gaussian domain of attraction and 0<\alpha <2 for those from the L\'evy domain of attraction. If the dimension D of the target space is larger than D_H one finds D_L=D_H, or otherwise D_L=D. The latter result means that the fractal structure cannot develop in a target space which has too low dimension.Comment: 33 pages, 6 eps figure

    On multiplicity correlations in the STAR data

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    The STAR data on the multiplicity correlations between narrow psudorapidity bins in the pp and AuAu collisions are discussed. The PYTHIA 8.145 generator is used for the pp data, and a naive superposition model is presented for the AuAu data. It is shown that the PYTHIA generator with default parameter values describes the pp data reasonably well, whereas the superposition model fails to reproduce the centrality dependence seen in the data. Some possible reasons for this failure and a comparison with other models are presented.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Application of the Two-Scale Model to the HERMES Data on Nuclear Attenuation

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    The Two-Scale Model and its improved version were used to perform the fit to the HERMES data for ν\nu (the virtual photon energy) and z (the fraction of ν\nu carried by hadron) dependencies of nuclear multiplicity ratios for π+\pi^+ and π\pi^- mesons electro-produced on two nuclear targets (14^{14}N and 84^{84}Kr). The quantitative criterium χ2\chi ^2 was used for the first time to analyse the results of the model fit to the nuclear multiplicity ratios data. The two-parameter's fit gives satisfactory agreement with the HERMES data. Best values of the parameters were then used to calculate the ν\nu- and zz - dependencies of nuclear attenuation for π0\pi^0, K+^+, K^- and pˉ\bar{p} produced on 84^{84}Kr target, and also make a predictions for ν\nu, z and the Q2^2 (the photon virtuality) - dependencies of nuclear attenuation data for those identified hadrons and nuclea, that will be published by HERMES